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2005-08-12 - 8:33 p.m.

Dammit. I'm always coming up with useful stuff to write about while I'm in the shower. It happened again last night. I had something really nice worked up, a perceptive commentary on human nature complete with large words and educated sounding phrases like "Characteristics we ascribe to ourselves."

Then I rinsed off and went to bed, and things took a turn for the worse. Conventional wisdom would dictate that I blame this lapse in creativity to my bedtime reading, in this case the last six issues of "Kickers, INC." (Longtime readers will recall that I once reviewed the first six issues of this brain-melting pile of garbage. Brook was kind enough to get me the rest for Christmas, and let's just say that things don't get any better. The lesson here is that football and comics, while great on their own, just do not mix. Period.)

But I've been reading crap like that for years, with no visible detrimental effects.

Except for being grossly overweight and fish-belly pale...

Ok, what I meant was detrimental mental effects. I'm not stupider than I was before I started reading this storyHEY! That's a pun! I just got it! DetriMENTAL!!!! HA! THE WIT IS BACK!!!


Ok, that's not helping things any. Stupider?

Anyway, I personally think that there's some sort of shower-centric property of my brain, that rubbing soap on my kneecaps somehow stimulates my neurons to function to their fullest capacity, whereas the process of rinsing off reverts me back to my usual semi-retarded state. (And by state, I don't mean New Mexico, though New Mexico is, in fact, semi-retarded.)

So, what's been going on lately? I really blew that whole "quick update" thing, eh? well, sorry. I've had things to do that were more important than erratically typing crap on a computer screen. And by "things" i mean "playing star wars battlefront on the x-box and not talking to this girl i used to like." That's a full time job by itself, you know. Speaking of which, Wej, who is more of a faggot- the guy (me) who is too lazy to pick up a gayme like world of warcraft, or the guy (you) who plays to the extent that he derides the other guy for picking the gayme up? Ponder that awhile.

Then respond that it's me, because I'm the one not talking to a girl i used to like, gayming or no gayming.

No, it's not you that I'm not talking to. or you. It's HER that I'm not talking to.

Speaking of girls I'm not talking to, remember that weird director chick that was going to direct "Arthur?" THe high-strung, kinda weird one that drew ground plans without using a straight-edge? If not, scroll down about 3 entries. ANyway, my friend Stacey was talking to this girl on-line a few weeks ago (in one of those, damn but it's a small world that for some inexplicable reason seems to revolve around the Ren Faire moments) and thought, in a moment of inspired stupidity, "Wait. THis girl is an actor. ken is an actor. These two would go great together!" She (Stacey) starts chatting me up to this crazy director, then IMs me to say "I'm setting you up with this girl. You've gotta IM her and say hi"

Like a moron, i fall for it, and now this attention-starved, borderline psychotic girl IMs me everytime I sign in to complain how busy she is, show broke she is, how she has no friends, and no boy will ever love her without wanting to have sex with her, and what am I doing tonight.

Thanks, Stacey. When you're drowning, I'll be the first one to hold out a taser for you.

My birthday came and went quietly. Marilyn made me a cake, presents were copious, and I got the job with the Tom Sawyer tour. I'll be playing Huck Finn, of all people. I'll be on the road in Indianapolis, Illinois, and the Wisconsin area from mid-september to Thanksgiving. I'll post my finalized itinerary when I know it. This tour will be a lot easier than the last one, cause we'll be in the same place for a week at a time, so I'll be in a city near YOU with nothing but time on my hands every day after 3pm! Lucky you! Maybe i"ll let you buy me a beer.

And I'm looking forward to being in Indianapolis during football season so I can wear my Tom Brady jersey around and get booted out of more sporting goods stores. and maybe start a couple bar fights.

Yeah, I know. Playing Huck Finn will be a hell of a stretch for me. Hey Jharick, next time I come to visit, we can float down the Mississippi together. I'll be Huck Finn, and you can be N****** Jim! It'll be great!

Ok, that may have been a bit over the line. Sorry, Mom! Thanks for the free music, by the way.

Eh, like anyone is reading this far anyway.

I, like many people, apparently, had my debit card voided a few weeks ago due to some security breach. I found that one out the hard way after going to dinner with brook at a new italian place. They screwed up my order, so my meal was free, and came with a complimentary side of profuse apologies from the waiter, and both the owners of the place. (and i got a bonus meal, too. Now THAT'S customer service) so I offered to pay for brooks. THen my card came back declined, with more profuse apologies on both our parts. I'm not sure who was more embarrassed by that point, me, or restaurant. I think we were all secretly breathing a sigh of relief when I took off.

You know, looking back over this entry, and making a conscious decision not to spell check or correct typos, i realize that there's no thread whatsoever connecting these topics. If I were the average (Lame) user, these would probably be about seven different really short entries. But for you, my die-easy fans, I give you one super long entry full of crap every month and a half. That's how much I love you guys.


For some reason, I sing a lot more now when I listen to music than I ever did before. If I'm not careful, I'll start getting decent at it. I'll probably figure out why when I go take a shower tonight.

In a classroom somewhere alone
Looking at the window scene
Tune out the tutor in me
Sun is going down through the line of trees
I day dream

And in my head I walk along
All the paths we have been on
There is a chance to bridge the line
Between two points ruptured in time
You lived your life like nothing else mattered
And now you're torn, torn to tattered

And I don't need any apology
And you know I don't need any apology
And it's a long walk away
Oh, it's a long walk away
Torn, tattered. torn...

Certain things make me feel
Like it was when we could steal
The magic of moments real
Revisit. remember. reunion. re-ember
The white smell of burning leaves
Walk along...
You walk the path like Charlie Brown
You're full of hope, but with your head down
And you only have one eye to see
The other's closed, and too scared to peak
And silence of the heart can leave you shattered
And now you're torn, torn to tattered

And I don't need any apology
And you know I don't need any apology
And it's a long walk away
Oh, it's a long walk away
Torn, tattered. torn...

Through the line of trees I dream
of only good remembering
I think of you. was it...
Was it ever so bad my friend? And what was...
What was ever so bad my friend?
And in my head I walk along,
All of the paths we should be on
The sun is down, enjoyed the dream
I'm full of hope, that you think of me
I think of you and how much you mattered
When I'm torn, torn to tattered

And I don't need any apology
And you know I don't need any apology
And it's a long walk away
Oh, it's a long walk away
Torn, tattered. torn...

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