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2003-10-18 - 8:28 p.m.

So I think it's about time for cold hard reality to set in for some of you fuckers.

You suck.

Your favorite band is crappy.

Your favorite movie is a fluff piece of shit.

Your favorite artists are all worthless hacks.

You are not special.

Your beliefs are absolutely stupid.

Your moral system is hypocritcal.

You are a bitch.

You are an asshole.

You have an average size penis.

You're of only average intelligence, no matter what the teachers at your elementary school kept telling you.

You can't take it as well as you can give it out.

You're weak.

Your tits aren't that nice.

You're not that good looking.

Your opinions and tastes and ideals aren't really your own. You form them based on what is popular, or what you believe will make a good impression on the people you're trying to impress.

They're not impressed, and you're not gonna get any more popular.

You're annoying.

You're also mostly hypocritical, a point I can't emphasize enough.

It's a wonder anyone finds you attractive, so learn to settle soon.

You will never make a difference in this world.

The only true hero in the history of the world was William Munny.

None of this will matter eventually. Thank heaven for entropy.

So fucking get over yourselves.



I WANT A GODDAM SLURPEE!!!!!!!!! I've been living in fucking milwaukee for three fucking months now and I haven't had a GODDAM slurpee yet. The last time i had one was back in colorado in fucking June. Where the FUCK are all the GODDAM 7-11's?!?!?! I need a FUCKING SLURPEE NOW OR I"M GONNA KILL SOMETHING! And it fucking better be BLUE FUCKING RASPBERRY! None of this sissy pussy queer Mountain Dew piss flavor, or the latest variant on coke or pepsi, or any of that sour shit. BLUE FUCKING RASPBERRY! It's the only goddam flavor you need for a goddam slurpee. I have a full set of the fucking SUPER MARIO BROTHERS SLurpee cups from seventh grade, and you know what every goddam one of them was filled with? BLUE FUCKING RASPBERRY! There better be a GODDAM 7 FUCKING 11 opening near my house real FUCKING SOON, or there's gonna be HELL TO PAY!

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