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2003-10-09 - 6:28 p.m.

"The beautiful part about a democracy is that anyone can be elected to any office. The bad thing about democracy is that ANYONE can be elected to any office."

-Lewis Black

Warren, I never thought I would find myself acting as the voice of reason in a debate with you, but I have to respectfully disagree with your latest venting of your spleen.

The idea of a meritocracy has its share of appeal, agreed, but it would be wrong, plain and simple. What's next after that? Why not just designate all people who don't qualify for voting priveleges as Betas or Gammas and use them soley for manual labor? Remember, that, in theory, this country was founded on the idea that forcing people to live with governmental decisions they didn't get a say in is wrong. That and some rich lazy fucks didn't want to pay their taxes. Some things never change.

Also, your criteria kind of make sense, but IQ is hardly the be all and end all definition of a persons abilities. Some people with low IQs work very hard, as you pointed out yourself, and some people with genius level IQs barely scrape through college, taking five years with a 1.9 gpa to get a theatre degree, and now spend all their free time reading comic books and watching pro wrestling like the bottom 10% of the population...Wait a minute, i had a point here...

Oh yeah- the problem is that the people your criteria would leave out rarely bother to vote anyway. A better solution would be to find a way to make potential voters prove a knowledge of issues and candidates before their vote can count. That's the real key- voters these days are too easily swayed by celebrities, mudslinging campaigns, and being a "Straight down the ticket party voter cause i can't be bothered to learn anything beyond the mascot for my party of choice." The people who aren't voting are a problem too, but that's another matter entirely.

Who else were the people of California going to vote for, if not the Terminator? Gary Coleman? Definitely not better. The only guy with enough name recognition out of the legion of candidates to stand a reasonable shot of defeating Conan was Cruz Bustamante.

Great alternative. Let's elect a racist man with proven (I'll send you the stuff I found sometime) ties to a Chicano supremacy group so he can drop the "N" word in public some more. Maybe David Duke could become Lieutenant Governor. THe one candidate in the entire election who makes Kindergarten Cop look like a good alternative. I mean, sure, he's got a bit of a past. he likes to fondle the ladies, but so did Clinton. Hell, we all do. I've never been anythging bigger than a marginal local celebrity, and just about every girl i know has a right and a left reason why I should never run for public office...

Finally, I'd like to close with one final thought for you-

It's fucking California- Who gives a shit? We've all known the people of California were retarded for years now, and we're all going to laugh like hyenas when California falls into the ocean anyway, so they deserve whatever they get for this ultimate expression of the Hollywood lifestyle. We all said fuck california before, and we just say it more now. What we should just do is invite California to secede and become its own nation so that Justing fucking Timberlake can become its next president. Anyone who wants to go to a more sensible state can, and then we can all sit back and see how long it takes before the whole fucking thing turns into a live version of Escape from LA. Let's just chalk it up to social darwinism and hope a lot of them just die for this.

And when you go, can you take me with you?


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