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2001-08-23 - 10:15 a.m.

And then of course, sometimes while you are trying to figure out how you feel about the weird stuff, someone else will do something that makes your feelings about the previous matter 100% irrelevant.

Just a shade over 2 months, Ken. Congratulations. You're starting to get back into your old high school form again. Course, i still can't understand what you were thinking. I mean, you've lost out the determination to be miserable, an asshole, and a 35 year old man previously (three seperate incidents). Now you decided to try to take on Mother Nature?

That's like getting KO'ed in your first three boxing matches and then challenging Tyson.

You are quite possibly the dumbest son of a bitch alive. Now go rub some Icy Hot on your back and continue the heavy drinking.

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