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2001-03-04 - 06:53:05

It's official. I've been mulling it over for months, nay, years now, and I have finally made it happen.

I have permanently dyed my hair a color that doesn't exist naturally on the human head.

Actually, two colors. Half my hair is a reddish hue, the other half is purple. I need to redo the red part, because it got washed over by the purple when I dyed it, but you get the idea. I am no longer blonde.

That would be the big news in my life. I know, I haven't written here in 10 days, but there's a really good reason for that. Nothing interesting has happened to me in those ten days. So therefore, I had nothing to write about. And if there's one thing I should learn, it's when to shut up. So I'm trying to shut up if I have nothing to say. And to those who wrote in saying how much they missed reading about my exploits and how disappointed they were not to have anything new to read-

BLOW ME!!! It's my life, and if nothing noteworthy happens, yeah, I'm pathetic, but if you are upset because my life doesn't entertain, you're even more pathetic. Get a life soon, please. If you so desperately want something new to appear here, then for God's sake, give me an experience to write about.

Things have been pretty much the same as always around here. Missing class, engaging in cheap, meaningless sexual encounters to try to compensate for the fact that the ones I really want really want others, getting so drunk every night that David Crosby is trying to get me enrolled in a twelve step program, selling crack to the 9-year olds at Ripon Elementary School, trying to cope with the fact that the cafeteria doesn't have guava-passion fruit juice anymore, flirting with girls I have absolutely no interest in whatsoever, writing mystery novels under the pen name Dick Francis, and watching wrestling twice a week.

I started working out again, finally. It feels good to finally be over this illness thingie that's been with me since Christmas Break, but I think it's gone. No more couging, sore throat, or any of that happy crap. Plus the weather has been hella warm the last few days, which always helps. I'm only working out every other day, because I'm still getting back into it and it leaves me with a lot of lingering soreness, but at least I'm doing something, dammit. Collins berates me for being weak, but I can still beat him in any lower-body test of strength. I just need to work on my arms, or lack of.

I'll officially be stuck here in Ripon over Spring Break, as I can't afford to fly to the family reunion in Colorado, as originally planned. This sucks. I will yet again miss out on the chance to meet my sister. (See, my dad was married in the 60's, while my mom was in high school, and has four children from that marriage, all of whom are now old enough to be the parents/boyfriends of my classmates here at school. In fact, I was an uncle three days before I was born. The end result is that I have three sisters and a brother. I haven't seen the brother and one of the sisters since I was about 8. I did get to see one sister last summer, and I have never met one of my sisters. Sad, huh?)

I have also made arrangements to live and work here in Ripon over the summer. I'll live with my buddy Wej, and work at the bookstore. Cool, no?

This entry is long enough. Tune in tomorrow for the full report on the "party" that supposedly occured tonight.


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