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2001-03-04 - 23:52:21

Okay, last night's party sucked like few parties have ever sucked in the entire sphere of human experience.

Actually, that's probably a bit of an exaggeration, but I would like to go on record as saying that it's not my fault no one had any fun.

I cleaned the lounge, like usual (special thanks to Dar and any others involved for helping with furniture rearrangement) I got a DJ- it's not my fault he was tripping the night before and therefore tired and crabby at the party. I arranged food, drink, and alcohol (thanks to Drew, Dar, and Torii for doing all the grunt work on that one.) I did the necessary sexual favors for Ken Carrothers to get the party approved. (and man, that guy does not believe in lubrication.....Wait, this is a family show. I'll stop now), and I promoted the damn thing more than I have any other party we've had this year (posters went up several days in advance, and the party got plugged on my radio show, and Jon's radio show.) All things considered, this should have been the biggest party of the year.

But no one came. At least, no one stayed. Personally, I was at work all night (just cause I have to give these whiny little SOB's a party when they demand it doesn't mean I have to go to it, too.) I just don't think anyone was in much of a party mood. Which is understandable. Hell, we should have seen the signs when no 21 year olds would sign the party form, because none of them would be there. That does not foreshadow a rockin' good time being had by all (especially since, without our 21 year olds, we're just a bunch of losers who sit in their rooms all day, either doing homework or drugs. What the hell am I going to do without them next year?)

My new hair color has gotten a mixed reaction. SOme love it, some hate it. But I don't care. The hair's on my head, so I don't even have to look at it if I don't want to. I can just punish all of you with having to stare at my purple scalp. Plus I have the added benefit of smelling like grapes all the time now, as opposed to my usual smell of JD and soap.

It has come to my attention that I need to get a life. I'm aware of this. At least I'm funny, in a pathetic kind of way, like John Cusack, only better at frisbee. Although, who knows, John may be really, really good at frisbee. (and at least I can spell Cusack correctly, Dumbass!)

Okay, I'm done for now....No, wait, I have one last thing- a question of etiquette to put to everyone, since you all seem to be diary-types as well. If, hypothetically, random person A, who either reads your diary or is close enough to someone who does that anything you post will be found out by them, does something that really makes you mad (and this situation is entirely fictional. I don't want anyone asking me what they've done to piss me off. I also, as far as I know, haven't been up to my usual standards of pissing others off lately. If that's not true, I would like to hear about it.), is it okay to write about it in your diary? And if you do, and A finds out about it, are they allowed to confront you about it, or do they have to pretend like it never happened? How much freedom of expression are we allowed when we are making our lives open books, literally? How much backlash can we expect from these kinds of things? Are there rules about these sort of situations? Where is Miss Manners when you need her?

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