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2001-01-25 - 14:29:33

Got up early today to go work out. It was the first time I've gotten to work out in quite a while. Now I feel good, but damn am I tired, and it's only 9:30. I still have to go to auditioning in half an hour. Then I can take the rest of the day off, at least until wrestling starts.

I was being sarcastic in my last entry when I talked about women using me for sex. Women don't use me for anything, and if they did, it wouldn't be for sex. The part about my girlish good looks was pure sarcasm. In fact, I think the whole thing was just wishful thinking on my part. It'd be nice to get used for sex. Or anything, really. Anyhow, that should put an end to the relentless barrage of questioning that has been fired at me by nosy people demanding to know who it is that uses me for sex. Well, it's no one. Happy?

This Saturday the local cable access TV station is putting on an improv game show, with an open tryout for anyone who wants to participate. I don't know what the prize is. I'll let you know when I win it. If none of you have anything better to do, I'd suggest dropping by. Yeah, I know Ripon is a long way for some of you, especially those in the Sprawl. (wherever the hell that is), so I understand if anyone can't make it.

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