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2005-01-05 - 9:07 p.m.


1. NAME: Kenneth Roy Dillon I
2. Nickname: I seem to have a different nickname for each person I spend time with. Most of them aren't flattering.
3. EYES: Green/blue, depending on the light.
4. HEIGHT: 6'1.5"
5. HAIR: long and getting redder as I get older and curly- Oh dammit!
6. SIBLINGS: I have a sister I'll sometimes admit relation to, and a few half-sibs. I THINK I've met them all. Not sure.
7. DO YOU LIKE TO SING IN THE SHOWER? Yes, loudly and badly, especially the one in first floor Mapes. I only sing Hank Williams, though.
8. DO YOU LIKE TO SING IN THE TOILET? Never tried it, so i dunno if i'd like it.
9. BIRTHDATE: July 21.
10. SIGN: Cancer. (insert lame "oh the irony" joke here. I'm proud to be part of the problem)
11. CHINESE ZODIAC SIGN: Monkey (See #10)
12. LOST (NON-EQUATORIAL) ZODIAC SIGN: A quick google search to tell me what the hell this question is asking tells me it's The Dogs (I just can't win)
13. RIGHTY OR LEFTY: Righty.
14. WHAT DO YOU WANT IN A RELATIONSHIP? How about for the girl not to turn out ot be a cheating lying whore? We can build off that. Oh, and if she doesn't already HAVE a boyfriend when she gets interested in me, that'd be a plus too. Those 2 qualities alone guarantee our relationship could survive at least a couple months.
15. HAVE YOU EVER CHEATED?: Not in a relationship, but I've cheated at plenty of card games in my life. Never been caught, either.
16. HAVE YOU EVER BEEN CHEATED UPON? Do I even need to dignify that with a straight answer? See 14 if you're confused.
17. DO YOU HAVE A CAR?: Nope. Never even had a driver's license.
18. WHAT KIND [OF] CAR [DO] YOU HAVE?WANT? One that drives itself so I don't have to deal with this crap. And preferably one that's as environmentally unfriendly as possible. I want it to run on spotted owls and create new holes in the ozone over anyplace I idle for longer than 3 minutes.


19. MOVIE: Star Wars
20. BANDS AND SINGERS: Gin Blossoms, Johnny Cash, Hank Williams Sr., the Toadies, Green Day, Barenaked Ladies, Dion and the Belmonts, and Buddy Holly
21. SONGS: "Angels Tonight" by the Gin Blossoms, "Superman" by Goldfinger, "Without a Trace" by Soul Asylum, "Lost Highway" by Hank Williams.
22. TV SHOWS: Fluctuates, but I always go back to WWE Raw, the Daily Show, Dave Chappelle, and the Simpsons.
23. ACTOR: Harrison Ford, John Cusack.
24. ACTRESS: Rita Medina. And Anne Negri.
25. FOOD: Sandwiches. And anything with "Gummi" in the title.
26. NUMBER: 13 (no, seriously)
27. CARTOON: I love all cartoons. But there's always been a soft spot in my heart for the original Transformers show.
28. DISNEY CHARACTER: Darkwing Duck. And Disney is evil.
29. COLOR: Blue.

*******LOVE LIFE ETC*******

30. DO YOU PLAN ON HAVING CHILDREN? Not unless that court order is overturned.
31. DO YOU WANT TO GET MARRIED? I'm not drunk enough to answer this question. Maybe.
32. HOW OLD DO YOU WANT TO BE WHEN YOU HAVE YOUR FIRST CHILD? Old enough to be ready for the responsibility. But still young enough to play football with the kids.
33. HOW OLD DO YOU WANNA BE WHEN YOU GET MARRIED? Older than I am now, that'd for damn sure.
34. WOULD YOU HAVE KIDS BEFORE MARRIAGE? not on purpose. I can't even get a relationship to work well enough to consider having a pet together. What the hell would i do with a kid?
35. DO YOU HAVE A BF/GF? No, for some reason girls find my misogynistic, bitter attitude towards "cheating whores" a bit of a turnoff...
36. WOULD YOU HAVE PREMARITAL SEX? I did...a lot of it. I hope to do so again one day.
37. DO YOU HAVE A CRUSH? I seem to get crushes on any girl I don't despise 3 minutes after meeting them. And many of the girls I do...


38. MUSIC/TV: Music.
39. GUYS/GIRLS: Women inspire more passionate feelings one way or the other in me, so I'll go with them. I can take or leave most of my male friends.
40. GREEN/BLUE: blue
41. PINK/PURPLE: purple
42. SUMMER/WINTER: spring
43. NIGHT/DAY: I like the night, but I also go to bed early. I'm a freak.
44. HANGIN OUT OR CHILLIN: The fuck is the difference?
45. DOPEY/FUNNY: Dopey with flurries of funny. My funny increases exponentially with my BAC.

*******ALL ABOUT YOU*******
It's always all about me, you dumb slot.

46. WEIRD SAYING YOU HAVE: Fuck. Not really weird, but it's my favorite word.
47. WHAT SCHOOL DO YOU GO TO? I'm done with school.
48. HAVE YOU EVER TAKEN ?: Taken what? Prbably yes, but maybe not.
49. WHAT'S A MAJOR TURN-ON FOR YOU?: ummm...i'm attracted to girls who are smarter than I am (not hard) smell nice, and are absolutely wrong for me. LIke lesbians, or dumb bitches, or girls with boyfriends (sensing a theme here?)
50. HOW FAR WOULD YOU GO ON A FIRST DATE? It's not how far I would go, it's how far I can get.
51. HAS YOUR HEART EVER BEEN TRUELY BROKEN: Yes. Of course. Where do you think all this bitterness comes from?

*BLONDE: My sister.
*NICEST: Nice people aren't friends with people like me.
*FUNNIEST/HAPPIEST/LOUDEST: Something is seriously wrong if I'm not the funniest person in the room/my friends are all depressive goths/Viola
*STRANGEST: Plead the 5th.
*SMARTEST: Barbara
*BEST PERSONALITY: Not necessarily the best, but i get along with Wej better than any other friend who springs to mind.
*BEST ALL-AROUND PERSON: ANyone who'll be friends with me is a saint anyway.
52. PEOPLE YOU ARE OPEN WITH AND TRUST THE MOST: Shelly. That's it, really. I don't open up completely to anyone.
54. IS IT RIGHT TO FLIRT IF YOU HAVE A BF/GF? THere's nothing wrong with it.
56. WHATS SOMETHING ABOUT BOYS/GIRLS THAT YOU JUST DONT GET? How the fuck you people can live with yourselves and look in the mirror every morning.
57. ARE YOU HAPPY? Once in awhile. My future is looking bright, though.
58. WHY? See my last entry.
59. WHAT'S AN OBJECT YOU CAN'T LIVE WITHOUT? My comics and my MD player.
60: GOLD OR SILVER? Silver.
61: WOOD OR PLASTIC? I'm not touching this one. It's like playing tee-ball.
62. DIAMOND OR PEARL? Jesus Christ, what is the point of these? I don't like wearing jewelry anyway.
63.SUNSET OR SUNRISE?: Sunset. Does that make one a "glass is half empty" type?
65. DO YOU SLEEP WITH STUFFED ANIMALS? I have an Al Snow teddy bear and a big Spider-Man pillowpal who sleep on my other pillow. I don't cuddle them at night, though. Not often, anyway.
66. DO YOU HAVE ANY PIERCINGS? I already covered this once in another ripoff entry, but yes, it's in a secret location and I don't know how I got it.
67. DO YOU HAVE ANY TATTOO'S? No, but I'm thinking of getting one sometime.
68. WHAT SONG ARE YOU LISTENING TO RIGHT NOW? Whatever stuff brook is bombarding my ears with from his computer right now.
69. NUMBER? 7 and change. Lots and lots and lots of change.
71. WHO DO YOU WANT TO SPEND THE REST OF YOUR LIFE WITH? Can't I just be alone except for when I want something from someone, and they come over, and give it to me, and then go away?
72. WHAT'S THE FIRST THING YOU NOTICE ABOUT THE OPPOSITE SEX? It varies. Usually it's above the neck. Usually.
73. FAVORITE SPORT? Ultimate Frisbee to play, football to watch.
74. WHAT'S THE NEXT DVD YOU'RE GOING TO GET? Hell if I know. I rarely buy dvds, so whatever someone gets me for a present.
75. WHAT'S THE NEXT CD YOU'RE GONNA GET? Johnny Cash's American 5, probably. Or whatever I copy from a friends collection.
76. DO YOU WEAR CONTACTS OR GLASSES? Glasses usually, but I have contacts for special occasions.
77. WHAT'S THE BEST ADVICE GIVEN TO YOU? "Throw the ball hard."
78. HAVE YOU EVER WON ANY SPECIAL AWARDS? All the time. My old room had a Wall of Shameless Self-Promotion.
79. WHAT ARE YOUR FUTURE GOALS? Funny thing, up until a couple weeks ago, my goal was to be acting full time as a way to support myself, but I just got that job, so I guess it would be to stay in that position. ANd figure out how the hell to do that.
80. WORST SICKNESS YOU EVER HAD? I went through a period my freshman year in college where I was sick constantly for about a month and a half. Strep throat type symptoms, but nothing was ever diagnosed with certainty.
81. DO YOU LIKE FUNNY OR SCARY MOVIES BETTER? Truly funny movies are so hard to find these days.
82. ON THE PHONE OR IN PERSON? In writing.
83. HUGS OR KISSES? I'm something of a hug-whore, but kissing is nice too.
84. WHAT SONG SEEMS TO REFLECT YOU THE MOST? I don't think I'm qualified to be the one to answer that question.
85. IF YOU DIED TOMORROW- WHO WOULD YOU LEAVE EVERYTHING TO?: My mom. She'd know who to give what to.
86. DO YOU HAVE ANY ENEMIES? Oh, a bunch. And I earned every one of them, too, but at least now they know not to fuck with me.
87. WHAT IS YOUR GREATEST FEAR? That no one will pay attention to me, no matter what I do. Going bald is a close second, though.
88. WOULD YOU RATHER BE RICH OR FAMOUS?Rich, although the two seem to go hand in hand. Infamous would be nice.
89. WHAT TIME IS IT IN ALBANIE RIGHT NOW?: Learn to spell, you braindead redneck fuck. And I have no clue.
91.HAVE YOU MET SANTA?: I've met too many mythological characters while tripping to keep track of them all.
92. IF E.T. KNOCKED ON YOUR DOOR HOLDING UP A PEACE SIGN ASKING TO USE YOUR PHONE WHAT WOULD YOU DO? let him in of course. Then ask him if Drew Barrymore is really as good a lay as everyone says.
93. WHAT IS YOUR EMAIL ADDRESS? That's too personal to answer. I have a guestbook here, that's good enough for you twits.
94. YOUR WEBSITE ADDRESS? this be all of it.
95. MESSENGER HANDLES? Not gonna tell you, but if you ever find a guy named OORick on AOL, give him shit till he signs off. Then send me the transcript, and I promise i'll make it worth your while.
96. ARE YOU AN ALCOHOLIC? I'm half Indian and half Irish. I was born drunk.
97. WHO SENT THIS TO YOU?: I stole it from pete, vin, bryan, and amanda. All at the same time.
98. WHAT DO YOU THINK OF THAT PERSON?: Nice guy, the ex I get along best with, Dumbass, and am I sure she's not another of my long lost aunts?
99. IF YOU HAD TO BE STUCK IN A ROOM WITH ONE PERSON WHO WOULD IT BE?: Wouldn't matter, one of us would be dead by the end of the second day.
100. DO YOU WANT YOUR FRIENDS TO WRITE BACK!!: Hey, the only reason I do this is to see what you have to say about it, so knock myself out.

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