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2001-11-16 - 4:20 p.m.

that bug bit me, I'll admit

stunned - it took a while to hit

but when it hit me, I was bit

shit, I came clean with it

no match, who am I

no match, who am I, so why try to deny it

just a regular guy, who won't even try it

the bug's been around

since time began

it's bitten bigger

badder bastards than the one I am

it can cripple

and it can paralyze

when I felt its tooth

I told the truth to my surprise

I saw the bug and I gotta say

ahh I tried to get away

I tried to run, I tried to fight

but the bug was there to bite

no match, who am I?

must respect the insect, it injects and infects

if I may interject, I love the effects

the bug's been around

since time began

it's bitten bigger

badder bastards than the one I am

it can cripple

and it can paralyze

when I felt its tooth

I told the truth to my surprise

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