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2001-01-01 - 04:04:26

Update- I went bowling again last night. I did my personal best ever, bowling a 190 in the second game (going 148, 190, 140, and 149 on the night.) It was by far the most consistent, best outing of bowling I have ever had. The shame from my previous....inadequateness has been erased in my mind, and I am now free to refer to myself as a decent bowler again.

Now I'm at a New Year's Eve party with a bunch of my old high school buddies. I just got done mixing a retarded version of wop for them (and don't worry, anyone, I didn't give away the recipe to anyone) I find myself suprised at exactly how little I have in common with any of these people. Did I change that much, or did they? Okay, that's enough with the introspection. I'm sure that all of you faithful readers, being college and above yourselves (for the most part, and those who aren't will get what I'm talking about soon enough) have had all these same thoughts, so I don't need to talk about them here. Suffice to say, though, I think I want to go home. Oh well, it's only two hours till midnight, then I can trudge my way home. I think in the meantime, i'm gonna get really rippin' wasted and forget for a few hours that my life has really sucked hard lately. Whine at you later!


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