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2002-02-18 - 1:54 p.m.

I should probably apologize for my last entry.

I'm not gonna, though. I spoke my mind, and if you don't like that, you can all step forward and collectively apply suction to my genital area.

Wej- You've probably lost readers.

Me- Good.

Actually, Wej and I had an interesting realization this weekend. Here it goes-

Everyone needs beauty in their life. Beautiful people are beauty, so they get their fill by looking in the mirror. Artistic people supply it by creating it.

Hence, all artistic people are ass-ugly, and beautiful people are stupid and vacuous.

It makes sense. Just think about it for awhile, swallow your righteous indignation, and try processing that, and relating it to your experiences in the real world.

And you'll see that it's absolutely correct.

In that vain, (and I'm aware that that's not the spelling for the usage to which I'm putting that word. It's a pun. Get it?)

I feel I should tell you all something.

Every one of you, every last one, you're all beautiful.

Or artistic.

You can take your pick.

"Dude, what is Ken's problem?"

Why do you care?


Exactly, now shut the fuck up. How's that sound?


Sounds beautiful.


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